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Everything you need to know to continue your Digital Transformation

New technologies have generated changes in the way the customer interacts with companies, it is time to speak the same language and start a development tailored to the needs of the consumer.

The emergence of new technologies has completely altered the ways in which we work, shop and even interact with other people. This means that if companies want to remain relevant, it is time for them to jump on this bandwagon and start upgrading their technology. This can generate better business opportunities and expand their horizons into new markets.

For many companies, this can be a difficult step, because getting into something new is never easy. But fear of change cannot be a reason to limit yourself when it comes to empowering your company, and digitalization is the factor you need to increase competitiveness in an increasingly modern world.

What are the benefits of digital transformation?

Opening the doors to digital transformation in the internal and external processes of your company will generate, in the long and short term, extraordinary competitive advantages. Well, it is no longer just optional to get up to speed with new technologies, it is time for you to be part of this new era.

Some of the major benefits are:

  • Improve the customer experience, as well as their relationship with the brand. By redesigning the customer touchpoints software so that there is a direct and more human communication, you will make customers feel confident not only to buy, but to participate and co-create with the brand.
  • Generate new business opportunities that will help the company diversify and grow. Creating software for new products and services will propel your company into a highly competitive and profitable space in a world that is evolving towards digital.
  • It provides greater efficiency in processes, leaving more room for innovation. By digitizing and making more efficient those processes that are mechanical and without greater creativity, it leaves more room for the work team to create new products and services that improve the company's impact.
  • It lowers operational costs and leads to more scalable models for the company, because by digitizing these processes (mobile applications, self-service devices, web applications, among others), customers will have a more varied experience with the service. The customer wants to interact, share, converse, wants to be treated as a human being, so integrating omnichannel is deeply beneficial.
  • Digital transformation will give your business greater visibility in the SERPs, a solid online presence and increase profitability in the short and long term. And a digital copywriting agency will give you the help you need to help your site's blog rank well for SEO and internal pages convert users into customers.

But what is Digital Transformation?

Before going into the steps of digital transformation, it is important to clarify what it is. In this way, we avoid confusion and leave the space open for learning.

You will read in many places the same idea about what digital transformation is; an integration of new technologies to every area of your company that needs it, the application of digital capabilities to processes, products and services that can be more efficient, a restructuring of the company's internal procedures.

All these definitions are correct. However, we want to go deeper, to go further. Digital transformation has three fundamental vertices:

  1. Generate a mindset of development and cultural movement. Your company must be aware of the current digital culture, in order to be prepared for the next one. That is to say, the mentality you must acquire is one of constant progress, do not think of an end, think of a path.
  1. Challenge processes. It is essential that, in your company, you have a mindset that the internal processes you have today still have room to be better tomorrow.      
  2. Give innovation a chance. What modernization has brought is the change of paradigms, this means that many of the most successful businesses are those that are not afraid to step out of the norm. It is important that you look at your company's potential to break away from the traditional, and the costs may even be lower when you stop being afraid of change.

Did you notice that at no point did we mention technology? That is because it is not the main axis of digital transformation; it is an important factor, yes, but it is not the basis. What is fundamental for a successful digital transformation is not to think of it as a solution, but as a tool.

What to do to digitally transform my company?

In this new globalized world, efficiency, communication and the breaking of frontiers that limit the expansion of new ideas are paramount. These new ideas are your company, what it offers to a client that is in constant movement. Therefore, you must also be always evolving, to keep up with this change.

Taking into account the three vertices we have mentioned, we leave you with three other tips for your company to take the next step in this digital transformation path.

  1. Abandon the fear of change.
    Getting out of the comfort zone is complicated for many companies, but to excel in the business world, you must be willing to renew, restructure and reformulate the processes that facilitate access to your services. Keep in mind what speeds up results, there it is.
  2. Promote a culture of innovation in the company
    To have a successful digital transformation, you must have a team that is creative and willing to be digitally trained. In this sense, it is important to develop the capacity for self-learning, collaboration, fluid communication between teams and with the customer.
  3. Design new strategies
    You must structure a system that takes into account essential elements such as the life cycle of your customers, their digital consumption and the results they require. Using artificial intelligence software can be useful when attacking these points and have a better planning in the future to prevent them.

Don't be afraid to take that next step, digital transformation is what your company needs to get to the next level.

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